Meet Christina

Over the last 15 years I've talked to hundreds of people like you (entrepreneurs, teachers, nurses, doctors, therapists, writers, artists, students, dancers, musicians, software engineers, and even a few CEOs, COOs, a long-distance horse racer and one judge) about their money, learning where the pain points are, and how to fix them. I now understanding that the nuances might not be the numbers, but instead in gaining an education, confidence and a structure for good habits. With this insider perspective, I've developed specific tools to build financial stability while supporting my client's wild aspirations.



Why the bird?

The California Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma Californica) is one of only a few creatures on earth that has the intellect to plan for the future by storing adequate food volume and variety in carefully chosen cache sites. My little Jay is indeed storing plenty of cash for a later date. And if you know anything about my work as an artist, it's obvious why I picked this elegant, hardworking bird to represent me over the squirrel or the chimpanzee.