We can do this in bite-sized chunks, or we can just git'er done — it's up to you!
If you feel like the financial industry is speaking another language — you're not alone. Much of Wall Street tries to make finance as complicated and intimidating as possible so smart people like you feel incapable of navigating the issues around their own money. Or maybe you feel like the subject is too big, or you've waited too long — don't worry, you're in the right place. If you want to shine a light on how money works, get a down-to-earth translation of the facts, and be given a proper education in growing your assets, there are a few different ways we can work together.
You'll let me know where you want to go, but I'll take the handlebars, set a safe speed, and get us headed in the right direction.
Financial Check-up
Together we'll collaborate on each aspect of your financial life, leaving you informed with a set of precise, easy-to-follow instructions on how to move forward. Here's what's involved:
You'll fill out a detailed set of confidential questionnaires and spreadsheets ahead of time so we can hit the ground running, and cover a tremendous amount of ground when we connect.
A 90-minute video conference (trust me, it feels like we're sitting in the same room together, but without the commute). We'll discuss each aspect of your financial life, keeping an eye out for risks while zeroing in on which pieces need to be put into place to achieve your goals.
After our meeting I'll synthesize the information, observations and craft recommendations into an easy-to-follow set of instructions.
We’ll follow this up with a second meeting to walk through these recommendations together point by point, so you know exactly what to do to implement your plans.
For some people this is all they need. For others, we might discover that more work is necessary, either to go in-depth into a certain topic, or to implementation your plan together. Whatever it is you need, we can easily arrange to continue working together on an hourly basis.
$3,000 - $4,500 based on time required
Full Financial Planning
Going into more depth than a Financial Check-Up, we'll develop recommendations for your long-term goals like retirement, college planning, and investing. I'll conduct the necessary detailed research that goes along with each part of your plan to make sure your efforts are all working in a coordinated and efficient manner. We'll test your assets allocation, risk tolerance and timeline with powerful Monte Carlo simulation software to arrive at a probability of future success in achieving your goals. Our work together will include:
A series of confidential questionnaires and spreadsheets for you to fill out in order to gather all relevant data.
Typically three to five 90-minute video conference meetings:
The first one is to cover your goals so I can understand what you’re planning for
The second will be to look at the results of a detailed set of future scenarios with Monte Carlo simulations which are custom build from what I learned in our initial meeting
The third goes page-by-page through your detailed plan write-up to make sure you understand my recommendations and how to implement them.
Additional meetings may be schedule so I can help you implement your plan.
My plan write-ups are detailed and easy (some might even say fun!) to read. I’ll clearly layout every step you’ll need to take in order to implement the future scenario that we crafted during our planning meetings. This is not a boiler plate document spit out by financial planning software — it’s a custom written set of instructions and explanations written for and about you.
$5,000 - $8,500 based on time required
Personal CFO
We’ll develop an initial plan, and work together for 12 months to implement it with an ongoing relationship of support and accountability. Over time plans and goals evolve, and as your Personal CFO I’m committed to making ongoing progress towards a bigger vision of wealth-building.
With a partner, you’re not going to get overwhelmed, but instead see how one project builds on the next, checking off boxes each month as we work together towards financial independence.
$2,000 per quarter for singles and $2,500 per quarter for families
We'll use the power of community to gain momentum, learn, and get the job done.
the Insight Money Master Class
I started this business by building a comprehensive online course that takes students from A to Z with their finances, and have been refining it for years. In the 6-week Insight Money Master Class we purposefully start off with the very basics, and ramp up to ninja level money skills by the end. You don't need to know anything ahead of time, but you'll be well-served with a willingness to work. Here's what else you get:
Lifetime Access
Twice monthly video office hours for 3 months to make sure you have all the support you need.
Two 60-minute 1-on-1 calls with me to process exactly where you're at, answer questions, and cut through any confusion.
Access to a supportive online community, where I'll be regularly popping in to cheer you on and continue our discussion from class.
Sometimes you just want to talk money. Or you might want to gab about the series finale of Downton Abby (I still miss it too!). Whatever it is — I'm here for you.
1-hour Call
I'm always happy to jump on the phone and process whatever financial issues are on your mind. Sometimes it's helpful to have a discussion with an impartial, informed listener. I take my role as a fiduciary and a financial mentor seriously, so if you've got something you’re wrestling with — let's talk about it.
All information herein has been prepared solely for informational purposes. Nothing contained on this site is intended as a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security investment or instrument or to participate in any particular trading strategy. Insight Personal Finance, LLC is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within this site. The general information contained in this website should not be acted upon without obtaining specific legal, tax, and investment advice from a licensed professional.
All investing involves risk, including the potential for loss of principal. There is no guarantee that any investment plan or strategy will be successful.